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ROOFBOND Roof Paint (All Colours) - Durable Roofing Paint


ROOFBOND Roof Paint (All Colours) - Durable Roofing Paint

Shieldcoat’s ROOFBOND Roofing Paint comes in 15 litre pails and a huge range of colours to suit your style. Shieldcoat’s ROOFBOND Roofing Paint is very easy to use and washes up with water!

ROOFBOND all acrylic roofing paint is designed especially for painting all types of roofs including concrete tile, factory colour coated steel (Colorbond), fibro (asbestos), galvanised iron, non-glazed terracotta tile and zinc/aluminium coated steel.

The advantages of ROOFBOND Roofing Paint is that binder (resin) used in this product has been chosen to provide excellent through film build for a sound quality finish. This results in ROOFBOND Roofing Paint being extremely hard wearing yet still remaining slightly flexible therefore giving great longevity. As a result Shieldcoat guaranteed their ROOFBOND coating system for 10 years.

Some benefits of ROOFBOND’s unique formulation are:

1. Excellent exterior durability

2. Good water resistance

3. Fast hardness development

4. Excellent resistance to water whitening (blanching)

5. Enhanced wet adhesion properties.

Do you want more details on ROOFBOND Roofing Paint? - SEE PDF’s under PRODUCT FILES

Yes, you need to apply a sealer to your roof before applying ROOFBOND Roofing paint (all colours).

It depends on the type of roof you have, as to the type of sealer that you will require. If you have cement/concrete or a non glazed terracotta tiled roof then you will need Shieldcoat's SHIELDSEAL W, if you have a factory colour coated steel (Colorbond) roof you will need to apply Shieldcoat's SHIELDSEAL W Plus, for a zinc/aluminium coated steel, galvanised iron or asbestos/fibro roof you will need to apply Shieldcoat's SHIELDSEAL T or Shieldcoat's SHIELDSEAL W Plus, this will ensure a proper adhesion and longevity out of your roof coating ROOFBOND Roofing paint (all colours). To see details of the specific sealer for your job you can either click on each hyper link or select the sealer you need from the 'Sealer/Primers' sub category under the 'Paints' category on the left side of this page.

Yes, there is a 10 year warranty with ROOFBOND Roofing paint (All Colours) if you have it applied by a qualified professional painter.
However for DIY the application instructions must be followed thoroughly for you to get more than ten long years out of your roof coating. To find the DIY application instructions see the question 'How do I apply ROOFBOND Roofing paint (all colours)?' below.

Yes, after 7 days from applying the last coat of ROOFBOND Roofing paint (all colours) it is safe to collect drinking water.

You need to treat it first with Shieldcoat's RUSTSEAL or Shieldcoat's RUSTSHIELD W, see under the sub categories Roof Coatings or Sealers and Primers which is under the ‘Paints’ category on the left side of this page.

In the top right corner of this page there is a coverage calculator in a blue box. All you need to do is type in how many coats you will need to apply, then the dimensions OR the square meters that you need to cover, then press the red tick box, the calculator will work out the quantity that you will need to do your job.

Details on applying this product can be found in two places on this website,
1. On the DIY How To Projects information pages, on that page just select the job that you are needing to do from the blue list on the left side and that will take you to the page that has the detailed step by step process of your job methods of application for ROOFBOND Roofing paint (all colours).
2. Or you can download the product and application PDF's in the top right corner of this page.

Yes you can use a roller to apply ROOFBOND Roofing paint (all colours), however it is designed to be applied by spray gun, as you get far superior finish due to being able to evenly apply each coat and get good build without getting runs. If you don't own a spray gun you can either buy one on this website see the 'Spray Equipment' category on the left of this page or you can hire them from your local hire company.

ROOFBOND Roofing paint (all colours) comes in a standard range of colours, which you can view from the drop down list titled 'Colour Chart' that is above the photo of the product on this page. Or you can request a price for any other colour you like, some colours may incur an additional charge.

Yes we have a clear coating, it's called Shieldcoat's ROOFBOND Roofing paint (Clear Glaze), see the details by clicking on the product below, in the Roof Coating category.

Shieldcoat's NanoProtect SC-96 comes in 15 litre pails and is ideal as a top coat over Shieldcoat's ROOFBOND Roofing Paint, increasing the life of the coating system immensely. See this page for more information Shieldcoat's NanoProtect SC-96